Lennon is such a wonderful blessing. His eyes are brown and big. He is easy to make smile. He is so big and healthy. As he just turned ten months, I reflect on the way life has found a different path. His presence forces his mom and I to change, not only some of our daily habits but, our lifestyle. We now need less sleep than we thought, to get smoothly through the day. The most nauseating smells are not so bad anymore. I also think it's been about a year since we've been to a club or bar, which was an event that we tried to do a couple times a month before.
A new challenge we've met is "group parenting". Thankfully, we both parent a bit differently. Dawn is more protective of "her baby", where I tend to let him fall on his face. Though both methods are equally important for healthy growth, they do tend to clash once in a while. But we work it out pretty quickly without disturbing the little guy. We also are starting to be more like the other parent which is nice to see.
Anyway, life is new and lovely and we wouldn't have it any other way. In fact, we are the two (I mean three) luckiest beings on the planet.